With beautifully illustrated Scottish designs extending over many diverse and original Scottish product ranges, Gillian Kyle brings you inspiring and totally unique Scottish Christmas Gifts.For all of those tricky friends and family members you are buying for or visiting this Christmas, we’ve got a little Scottish something to suit. For all tastes...
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There are many rich and varied reasons why Scots, fans of Scotland and generally those who love poetry feel particularly connected, moved and inspired by The Ploughman Poet born over 250 years ago. But let’s be clear from the outset, this type of popularity for an old dusty poet - or even anyone...
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As the old saying goes, a picture can paint 1,000 words. But such is the passion and emotion stirred by the humble Scottish thistle, we'd better make that 5,000 words.Do you know how the humble but not so dainty thistle come to be a worldwide emblem of Scotland? For full chapter, verse and...
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