
Scotland the brave...


There’s nothing quite like hearing live bagpipes. Whether you’re at a wedding, celebration or even just passing by a piper in the streets, it’s always quite a magical experience. I find it almost impossible to visit our capital city and not come across a piper, especially if you’re walking along the Royal...
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This is Archie - he’s a wee scamp. With his tartan bow tie and big brown eyes he looks like butter wouldn't melt – but as all Westie owners will tell you – he's got a streak of mischief in him a mile wide! The Scottish West Highland Terrier features on a...
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This year I was delighted and honoured to be asked to design the t-shirt for the 31st annual Texas Scottish Festival and Highland Games! I had great fun working with the creative team for the Games to come up with a design to reflect the shared cultural heritage (both Texan and Scottish)...
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